Bringing Life to Small Spaces: Innovative Interior Designs Solutions

Bringing Life to Small Spaces: Innovative Interior Designs Solutions

Transforming a cramped space into a cozy haven can seem like a daunting task, but with the right interior designs solutions, even the tiniest corners of your home can become a functional and stylish oasis. Dive into the world of innovative design and discover how to maximize your space’s potential.

Maximizing Small Spaces with Creative Design

The art of maximizing small spaces lies in smart, creative solutions that not only save space but also enhance the aesthetics of your home. Think vertical gardens, foldable furnishings, and multi-functional pieces that serve more than one purpose. By incorporating these innovative design ideas, even the most compact rooms can feel spacious and welcoming.

In the realm of small space living, every inch counts. That’s why built-in storage options, such as beds with drawers or seating with hidden compartments, can be a game-changer. It’s not just about finding a place for everything but doing so in a way that adds to the room’s charm and functionality.

Innovative Storage Solutions for Tiny Living

Gone are the days of bulky storage units that eat up valuable space. Today’s innovative storage solutions are all about blending seamlessly with your home’s decor. Picture wall-mounted shelves that turn your belongings into art, or staircases that double as bookshelves, offering not only a practical solution but a visually appealing one as well.

One cannot underestimate the power of hidden storage in transforming small spaces. When every item has a home, clutter disappears, and spaces open up. From under-the-floor compartments to ceiling-mounted cabinets, these ingenious storage solutions make it possible to keep your home organized and spacious.

Leveraging multi-functional furniture is key in small spaces. A coffee table that expands into a dining table or a sofa that turns into a bed can significantly increase the functionality of your living area without requiring additional square footage. It’s about making the most of what you have by choosing pieces that work harder for you.

The Role of Color and Light in Small Interiors

Color and light play pivotal roles in the perception of space. Light, pale hues can make a room feel larger and more open, while strategic lighting can create depth and dimension. Incorporating reflective surfaces like mirrors can also amplify natural light, making a small room feel airy and spacious.

The magic of color psychology can transform a space not only physically but also emotionally. Choosing the right color palette can influence the mood of the room, making it feel calm, cozy, or vibrant. With thoughtful color and lighting, limited spaces can be turned into inviting sanctuaries that reflect your personal style.

Furniture That Multi-tasks for Space Efficiency

In the quest for maximizing small spaces, furniture that multi-tasks is your best ally. Designs that consider limited space can drastically improve the functionality of an area. From beds with hidden desk compartments to ottomans that offer both seating and storage, the options are endless for creating a versatile living space.

Choosing the right multi-functional furniture requires a balance between form and function. It’s not only about how a piece looks but also how it works within your space. By selecting pieces that serve multiple purposes, you can reduce clutter and create a more organized, spacious home environment.

With a touch of creativity and the right innovative interior designs solutions, even the smallest spaces can exude comfort, style, and practicality. Embark on a journey to transform your compact home into a spacious retreat, embodying the essence of modern living with ingenious design at its core.

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Mastering Texture in Interior Design

Mastering Texture in Interior Design

Imagine stepping into a room and feeling immediately embraced by its warmth, character, and depth. This isn’t just the work of color or furniture placement—it’s the magic of texture interwoven into the fabric of the space. Let’s delve into how mastering texture can transform your interior design from flat to fabulous.

The Role of Texture in Interior Design

The significance of texture in interior design cannot be overstated; it’s the unsung hero that brings vibrancy and life to a room. Different textures engage our senses, evoking various emotions and experiences. A room with a monotonous texture feels flat; by contrast, adding varied textures creates a rich tapestry that makes the space more engaging.

Imagine the feel of smooth leather juxtaposed against a knotty wool throw, or the visual appeal of glossy tiles alongside matte paint finishes. It’s this interplay of textures that gives a room personality and depth, making it not only visually appealing but also tactilely inviting.

Choosing Textures for Different Rooms

The choice of texture should consider the room’s purpose and the atmosphere you want to create. For instance, bedrooms benefit from soft, soothing textures that enhance relaxation, such as fluffy carpets or silky bed linens. In contrast, kitchens and bathrooms can handle harder, more durable textures like stone or tile, balancing functionality with style.

The living room, a hub of activity, calls for a mix. Soft furnishings invite comfort, while harder textures, like a coffee table or shelves, add practicality. Here, variety is key to creating an inviting yet functional space.

Balancing Textures for a Cohesive Look

Mastering the balance of texture requires a thoughtful approach. Start with a base texture that defines the overall feel of the room, then layer contrasting textures to add interest. Balance is achieved not through uniformity but through variety that’s carefully curated to ensure the room feels unified.

Too many harsh textures can make a space feel unwelcoming, while an excess of soft textures might make it feel overly whimsical. Striking the right balance involves mixing not just the textures themselves but also considering their colors and how they play against each other.

Don’t forget the power of natural textures. Incorporating elements like wood, stone, and plants can bring an authentic touch to your space, grounding more synthetic textures and creating a room that feels balanced and harmonious.


Bringing texture into your interior design is not just about adding random elements; it’s about creating emotions, depth, and interest in your spaces. Whether it’s the soft embrace of a plush rug underfoot, the rough authenticity of brickwork, or the sleek coolness of marble countertops, each texture plays its part in the symphony of a room. Remember, in the world of interior design, texture is much more than a detail—it’s a necessity for creating spaces that feel as good as they look.

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Let Rachel Blindauer help you think through your project starting with a complimentary consultation.


Rachel’s curated collection of furniture, decor, and kitchen items accessible through Amazon.

Designing a Room That Grows with Your Child: Practical Tips and Ideas

Designing a Room That Grows with Your Child: Practical Tips and Ideas

As a parent, you want to provide a nurturing and adaptable space for your new baby, a room that can evolve with them as they reach different milestones in their development. The following are essential considerations, practical tips, and creative ideas to design a room that not only meets your baby’s immediate needs but also adapts seamlessly as they grow into toddlers, children, and beyond. Get ready to create a space that will support your child’s growth, foster their imagination, and provide a sanctuary for them to thrive in.

Choose a Neutral Color Palette

Opt for a neutral color palette as the base for your baby’s room. Soft shades such as light gray, beige, or pastels create a calming environment and can easily transition as your child grows. Neutrals provide a timeless backdrop, allowing you to change the room’s theme and accessories in the future without repainting.

Invest in Convertible Furniture

To maximize functionality and adaptability, invest in convertible furniture. A crib that can later transform into a toddler bed and eventually a twin-sized bed is an excellent long-term investment. Similarly, consider a changing table that converts into a dresser, saving both space and money as your child’s needs change.

Create Ample Storage Space

Children accumulate toys, books, and clothes as they grow. Ensure a clutter-free room by incorporating ample storage solutions. Opt for multi-purpose furniture like storage ottomans or benches that provide both seating and hidden storage. Install open shelves to display books and toys, making them easily accessible for your child as they grow older.

Designate Zones for Learning and Play

As your child grows, they’ll require dedicated areas for learning and play. Designate a cozy reading nook with a comfortable chair, bookshelf, and soft lighting to encourage a love for books. Set up a play corner with a playmat, storage bins, and a small table for creative activities. These defined spaces foster independence and allow your child to engage in various activities within their room.

Incorporate Adjustable Lighting

Lighting plays a crucial role in creating a soothing atmosphere. Install adjustable lighting options such as dimmer switches or lamps with varying levels of brightness. This allows you to adapt the lighting to your child’s needs as they transition from a nursery to a toddler or school-age room.

Consider Safety and Accessibility

To ensure your child’s safety, design the room with their needs in mind. Anchor furniture to the wall to prevent tip-overs and select child-proof hardware. Install window guards or cordless blinds for window safety. Keep electrical outlets covered and ensure that any rugs or mats are securely fastened to the floor. Regularly check the room for potential hazards as your child grows.

Designing a room for your new baby that grows with them is a thoughtful and exciting process. By considering their changing needs and preferences at different stages of development, you can create a space that will adapt and evolve with them. From choosing versatile furniture and incorporating ample storage solutions to creating play and learning areas, every element of the room should be carefully planned to support your child’s growth and development. Remember to prioritize safety and involve your child in the design process to make the room feel personal and special to them. With a well-designed and adaptable room, you can create a nurturing environment that will foster your child’s creativity, independence, and overall well-being as they journey through childhood. Enjoy the process of designing a room that will grow alongside your child, and watch as it becomes a cherished space filled with memories and love.



How to Set Up a Beautiful Montessori Bedroom

Ages & Stages – Infancy (
Basics of Child Development (


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Rachel’s curated collection of furniture, decor, and kitchen items accessible through Amazon.

Transform Your Home For Better Mental Health: 10 Tips

Transform Your Home For Better Mental Health: 10 Tips

Having a well-designed home can significantly impact our mental health and overall well-being. Our surroundings and the way they are organized can greatly influence our mood, productivity, and stress levels. In this blog post, we will explore 10 design tips to transform your home into a sanctuary that promotes better mental health.

Declutter and Organize

A cluttered and disorganized space can create feelings of anxiety and overwhelm. Start by decluttering your home, getting rid of unnecessary items, and organizing your belongings. Invest in storage solutions like shelves, baskets, and bins to keep things neat and tidy. A clean and organized environment promotes a sense of calm and reduces mental clutter.

Incorporate Natural Light

Natural light is essential for our well-being. It regulates our circadian rhythm and boosts our mood. Maximize the amount of natural light in your home by opening curtains and blinds during the day. If natural light is limited, consider using light-colored furniture and reflective surfaces to create a brighter and more spacious feel.

Use a Calming Color Palette

Colors have a profound impact on our emotions. Choose a calming color palette for your home to create a soothing atmosphere. Soft blues, greens, and neutrals are known for their calming effects. Avoid using bright and bold colors in spaces meant for relaxation.

Introduce Indoor Plants

Indoor plants not only improve air quality but also have a positive impact on our mental health. They add a touch of nature to our living spaces, creating a sense of tranquility and reducing stress. Choose low-maintenance plants like succulents or peace lilies if you’re new to plant care.

Design Comfortable and Cozy Spaces

Designing comfortable and cozy spaces in your home is essential for relaxation and stress reduction. Invest in comfortable furniture, soft textiles, and plush rugs to create a welcoming atmosphere. Create cozy nooks or reading corners where you can unwind and rejuvenate.

Enhance Air Quality

Clean air is vital for our mental well-being. Improve indoor air quality by using air-purifying plants, proper ventilation, and air filters. Avoid using chemical-based cleaning products that can release harmful pollutants into the air.

Personalize with Meaningful Objects

Personal belongings can contribute to a sense of identity and belonging. Display sentimental objects, family photos, or artwork that brings you joy and comfort. However, be mindful of excessive clutter and maintain a balance to avoid overwhelming the space.

Create Zones for Different Activities

Designate specific areas in your home for different activities to maintain a sense of order and purpose. Create separate workspaces from living spaces to promote a healthy work-life balance. Design multifunctional spaces that can accommodate various needs and activities.

Focus on Soundscapes

Sound can significantly impact our mental state. Consider incorporating elements that create a soothing soundscape in your home, such as soft music though out the home (speaker systems or instruments you play), nature sounds, or water features. 532 Hz and 888 Hz are highly beneficial. Avoid excessive noise and create a peaceful environment that promotes relaxation and concentration.

Seek Professional Guidance

If you’re unsure about how to best transform your home for better mental health, consider seeking professional guidance from an interior designer or mental health expert. They can provide personalized advice and recommendations based on your specific needs and preferences.

Creating a home environment that supports better mental health is crucial for our overall well-being. By implementing these 10 design tips, you can transform your home into a haven that promotes joy, reduces stress, and fosters happiness and creativity. Remember to prioritize decluttering, natural light, calming colors, indoor plants, comfort, and personalization. Enhance air quality, create designated activity zones, focus on soundscapes, and seek professional guidance when needed. Your home has the potential to positively influence your mental well-being, so take the time to design it with intention.

Get Started Today

Let Rachel Blindauer help you think through your project starting with a complimentary consultation.


Rachel’s curated collection of furniture, decor, and kitchen items accessible through Amazon.

Our Favorite Ways to Style Beds

Our Favorite Ways to Style Beds

Bedding Elevated

Bed styling in interior design is crucial in creating a cohesive and visually appealing space. When done right, it can elevate the entire look of the room and create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Here’s why bed styling is important in interior design:

  • Enhances the Visual Appeal: A well-styled bed can serve as the focal point of the room, drawing the eye and creating a sense of balance and harmony in the space.
  • Sets the Tone: The way a bed is styled can convey a particular style or mood, whether it’s luxurious, minimalistic, or cozy, contributing to the overall design aesthetic.
  • Creates Comfort and Functionality: The right combination of pillows, throws, and other accessories not only adds visual interest but also enhances the functionality and comfort of the bed.

By paying attention to the details of bed styling, interior designers can create a cohesive, well-designed space that reflects the homeowner’s style and personality. Elegant bedding can be a solved with a simple solution as well. We save the best and most simple solution for last below.

Choosing the Right Bedding and Linens

When it comes to choosing the right bedding and linens, expert interior designers recommend paying attention to the material and texture. Opt for natural fibers like cotton and linen for a breathable and comfortable feel. Consider investing in high-quality sheets linen sheets or a smooth finish with a thread count between 200 and 400 for a soft and luxurious touch. For a cozy and warm bed, go for flannel or fleece sheets. Additionally, layering different textures and patterns can add depth and visual interest to your bedroom decor. When selecting bed linens, focus on creating a cohesive color scheme that complements the overall design of your bedroom.

Decorative Pillows and Cushions

When it comes to incorporating decorative pillows and cushions on your bed, interior designers suggest following these tips for an impossibly chic look:

  • Mix and match different sizes, shapes, and textures of pillows and cushions to create visual interest and depth.
  • Layer the pillows and cushions starting with larger ones at the back and smaller ones in front for a polished look.
  • Consider using a variety of patterns and colors to add personality and style to your bed.

Layering with Throws and Blankets

To achieve a stylish and cozy look, interior designers often suggest layering throws and blankets on beds. This can create a luxurious and inviting atmosphere in your bedroom. By adding different textures and colors, you can easily change the look of your bed to match the season or your mood. Additionally, layering with throws and blankets can provide extra warmth and comfort, making your bed a welcoming retreat at the end of the day.

Utilizing Headboards and Bed Frames for Visual Impact

To create a visually striking bed, expert interior designers often use headboards and bed frames as focal points. They carefully select headboard styles and bed frames that complement the room’s aesthetic and make a statement. By choosing the right design elements, they can elevate the entire bedroom and create a chic and inviting space.

Creating a Cohesive Color Palette and Theme

When styling a bed, creating a cohesive color palette and theme is crucial. Start by selecting a primary color for the bedding that complements the room’s overall color scheme. You could opt for neutral tones like whites, greys, or beiges for a more timeless look, or try incorporating accent colors for a more vibrant feel. Consider the room’s aesthetic – whether it’s modern, bohemian, or traditional – and choose bedding and accessories that align with that style. This will help maintain a unified and stylish look for the bed, tying the whole room together seamlessly.

Balancing Textures for a Luxurious Look

To achieve a luxurious look, expert interior designers balance different textures when styling beds. By combining plush fabrics like velvet or faux fur with smooth materials such as satin or silk, a rich and indulgent feel is created. Additionally, adding elements like chunky knit throws or intricately patterned duvet covers can enhance the overall aesthetic and elevate the design.

Playing with Patterns and Prints

When it comes to playing with patterns and prints in interior design, expert designers are embracing a mix-and-match approach. Bold geometric patterns, delicate florals, and classic stripes are being combined to create a visually dynamic and chic look. Whether it’s through the use of throw pillows, bedding, or wall coverings, the key is to carefully balance the different patterns to avoid overwhelming the space. By combining various prints and patterns, designers are achieving a sophisticated and personalized look that adds depth and character to the bedroom.

Incorporating Bedside Accessories for a Personalized Touch

Add a personal touch to your bed by incorporating bedside accessories. Items like decorative pillows, bedside lamps, and stylish trays can transform your bedroom into an elegant and cozy retreat. Place a mix of throw pillows in complementary colors and textures to create a visually appealing focal point. Add a chic bedside lamp to provide soft and warm lighting for reading or relaxation. Stylish trays can hold your favorite books, candles, or a cup of tea, adding a touch of luxury to your bedtime routine.

Yet A Simple Linen Blanket Is Really All You Need

We saved the best for last and a simple linen blanket is really all you need. This is truly the preferred way we like to do beds.

Final Tips for Achieving an Impeccably Styled Bed

To achieve a perfectly styled bed, consider these final tips from expert interior designers:

  • Layers: Layer your bed with a mix of textures, such as soft duvets, cozy throws, and decorative pillows for added visual interest.
  • Balance: Create balance by using a variety of pillow sizes and shapes while keeping the overall look cohesive.
  • Color scheme: Stick to a minimal color palette for a sophisticated and coordinated look. Choose colors that complement your existing decor and create a calming ambiance.
  • Accessorize: Add a finishing touch with a stylish headboard, elegant bedside tables, and statement lighting to elevate the overall design of your bed space.

Take the first step towards creating your dream space. If you are a couple with multiple homes looking for a decorator near you, a hotelier doing a redesign, or a developer looking for top-notch interior design services near you, Rachel Blindauer and her team are here to bring your vision to life. With our wealth of experience and expertise, we can create stunning and functional spaces that exceed your expectations and bring you to a new height of design and sophistication.

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Let Rachel Blindauer help you think through your project starting with a complimentary consultation.


Rachel’s curated collection of furniture, decor, and kitchen items accessible through Amazon.

Create a Home that Grows with You from Age 1-100

Create a Home that Grows with You from Age 1-100

Aging in Place thru Universal Design Principals

Create a home that grows with you from the start. Universal Design principals are the key to home life ease and retirement success! Universal Design principals used during the design process create a space that is inclusive of the elderly and children resulting in a better thought out space. Older adults can and do continue living independently in their own homes and communities as they age. A recent study by AARP finding that 77% of 50 year olds and above prefer to age in place. This preference is also supported by multiple studies that highlight the numerous benefits of aging in place.

One of the key components of aging in place is the home itself. However, a report from 2020 estimated that only 10% of American homes are considered “aging ready,” meaning they are equipped to meet the needs of older adults ( This suggests that there is a significant gap between the desire to age in place and the actual readiness of homes to support this lifestyle.

Despite this challenge, there are compelling reasons why aging in place is favored. A familiar environment can provide a strong sense of identity and allow older adults to utilize neighborhood services and resources, fostering a greater sense of community and connection ( Additionally, aging in place offers the comfort and security of being surrounded by cherished possessions, family, and pets, which can contribute to overall well-being and happiness[5](

Furthermore, aging in place can result in potential cost savings at both the individual and societal levels. Recent studies on home-based health programs have shown that aging in place can lead to cost savings for individuals, as well as for state and federal governments ( By minimizing the need for institutional care and medical interventions, aging in place can help reduce healthcare costs while promoting independence and autonomy.

As we age, it becomes increasingly important to create an environment that supports our changing needs. Aging in place is the concept of designing and adjusting our homes to accommodate the physical and emotional challenges that come with getting older. All commercial bathrooms are designed for the American Disabilities act, so the bathrooms can be attractive but it needs to be planned for ideally at the architecture stage so you have enough space and wide enough doors. Below we will explore some key elements to consider when designing an age-friendly home.

Safety First

One of the primary goals of aging in place is to ensure safety within the home. Installing grab bars in the bathroom, improving lighting, and removing tripping hazards are just a few examples of safety modifications that can be made. By taking these steps, we can prevent accidents and promote independence.


Another crucial aspect of designing an age-friendly home is improving accessibility. This includes a no step entrance, main level living, wide doorways to accommodate mobility aids like wheelchairs or walkers, not having multiple floors, and installing barrier free showers. If you have a Montessori kid or a family member in a wheel chair consider putting dishes in drawers so they can reach it and set the table. By removing the barriers for children and elderly, we can ensure that every part of the home is accessible to individuals with different physical abilities.

Functional and Comfortable Living Spaces

As we age, it’s essential to have living spaces that are both functional and comfortable. Consider incorporating adjustable features such as height-adjustable countertops or adjustable beds. Additionally, choose furniture and decor that prioritize comfort and ease of use. By creating spaces that cater to our changing needs, we can maintain a sense of independence and enhance our overall well-being.

Smart Home Technology

Embracing smart home technology can greatly enhance the aging-in-place experience. Automated lighting systems, voice-activated assistants, and motion sensor faucets are just a few examples of how technology can make daily tasks more manageable. These innovations not only promote convenience but also increase safety and security within the home.

Emotional Well-being

Incorporate natural light, views and integrate ways to exercise into your lifestyle. Additionally, consider incorporating elements that evoke happy memories, such as displaying family photos or cherished mementos.

Other Keys to Retirement Success

  • Home maintenance services like lawn and landscapers, handymen and HVAC technicians
  • Food and meal delivery services such as Peapod, Amazon and your local restaurants
  • Personal caregiving for help with bathing, dressing, cooking and walking
  • Home therapies with Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, and Speech Therapists
  • Cleaning services for your house, vents, gutters, and pressure washing
  • Ridesharing services such as Uber, Lyft or your local senior transit
  • Telemedicine and health monitoring to communicate with your doctors without actually having to be with them in person
  • Remote banking and financial services to manage your finances from the comfort of your home
  • Safety and security services such as cell phones, call buttons, and remote door cameras

By implementing these strategies, we can create homes that support us as we age, allowing us to maintain our independence and quality of life. Remember, aging in place is not just about the physical modifications but also about fostering the spirit, comfort of home, social engagement and saving money by not using facilities.

Take the first step towards creating your dream space. If you are a couple with multiple homes looking for a decorator near you, a hotelier doing a redesign, or a developer looking for top-notch interior design services near you, Rachel Blindauer and her team are here to bring your vision to life. With our wealth of experience and expertise, we can create stunning and functional spaces that exceed your expectations and bring you to a new height of design and sophistication.


Let Rachel Blindauer help you think through your project starting with a complimentary consultation.


Rachel’s curated collection of furniture, decor, and kitchen items accessible through Amazon.