Rachel About Town

Rachel Blindauer takes care of her jet set clientele across the United States and abroad. Follow her expert advice here.

best interior designers sarasota

Top Hotel Interior Design Trends

Top Hotel Interior Design Trends

In the ever-evolving world of hospitality, where the pursuit of excellence is unending, the realm of interior design takes center stage. Crafting distinctive, immersive experiences for hotel guests isn’t merely a matter of aesthetics—it’s a symphony of art, functionality and hidden practicality. I invite you to explore seven groundbreaking trends that are revolutionizing the landscape of hotel interiors. These trends not only redefine how hotels operate but also create indelible, unforgettable experiences for the discerning traveler.

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Multigenerational Home: How 3 generations can thrive together

Multigenerational Home: How 3 generations can thrive together

In a world where families are increasingly seeking to reconnect and reinforce bonds, the concept of a multigenerational home emerges not just as a trend, but as a heartfelt solution to modern living. Imagine a space where grandparents, parents, and children share not only meals but life’s milestones, each generation contributing its unique vibrancy under a single roof.

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Lincoln Massachusetts Interior Designer

Lincoln Massachusetts Interior Designer

Discover Lincoln, Massachusetts through the eyes of an interior designer. This charming town, located in Middlesex County just northwest of Boston, is a hidden gem that offers a unique blend of natural beauty, historical significance, and a vibrant community. From its picturesque landscapes to its rich heritage, there is something for everyone in this idyllic town.

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Mastering Texture in Interior Design

Mastering Texture in Interior Design

Imagine stepping into a room and feeling immediately embraced by its warmth, character, and depth. This isn’t just the work of color or furniture placement—it’s the magic of texture interwoven into the fabric of the space. Let’s delve into how mastering texture can transform your interior design from flat to fabulous.

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Designing a Room That Grows with Your Child: Practical Tips and Ideas

Designing a Room That Grows with Your Child: Practical Tips and Ideas

As a parent, you want to provide a nurturing and adaptable space for your new baby, a room that can evolve with them as they reach different milestones in their development. This is how we design a room that not only meets your baby’s immediate needs but also adapts seamlessly as they grow into toddlers, children, and beyond.

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Transform Your Home For Better Mental Health: 10 Tips

Transform Your Home For Better Mental Health: 10 Tips

Having a well-designed home can significantly impact our mental health and overall well-being. Our surroundings and the way they are organized can greatly influence our mood, productivity, and stress levels. In this blog post, we will explore 10 design tips to...

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What’s Next for the Housing Market?

What’s Next for the Housing Market?

The housing market is undergoing significant changes, with various factors impacting prices, interest rates, and selling practices. In this blog post, we will examine the current state of the housing market and explore its potential future trajectory. By analyzing the...

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Ultimate Lighting Guide

Ultimate Lighting Guide

When it comes to interior design, lighting plays a crucial role in creating the right atmosphere and enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of your space. Whether you’re renovating your home or designing a new one, it’s important to understand the different types of lighting available and how to use them effectively. In this expert guide, we will explore the importance of lighting in interior design and provide valuable insights on how to effectively utilize different types of lighting to transform any space into a visually stunning and functional masterpiece.

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Coastal Beach Interior Design

Coastal Beach Interior Design

A serene coastal retreat, right in the comfort of your own home. With beach interior design, you can transform any space into a coastal oasis that exudes relaxation and tranquility. Whether you prefer a minimalistic and modern look (as seen above) or a more tropical and vibrant style, there are endless possibilities to bring the beach vibes indoors. Here we will explore how to create your own beach-inspired haven.

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Yes, Kid Friendly Interiors Can Look This Good.

Yes, Kid Friendly Interiors Can Look This Good.

Having kid-friendly interiors is essential for creating a safe and enjoyable space. It involves choosing durable materials and furniture that can withstand the wear and tear from children. Everything has evolved to a point where kid-friendly interiors, really don’t look any much different then a normal great interior, there is just a lot more thought put into creating it.

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Expert Tips for Successful Kitchen Renovations

Expert Tips for Successful Kitchen Renovations

Transform your kitchen into a stylish and functional space with expert tips and insights to help you achieve a successful kitchen renovation. From design considerations to material selection, we’ll guide you through the process of transforming your kitchen into a stylish and functional space.

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Elevate Your Homes Value With ROI

Elevate Your Homes Value With ROI

When it comes to increasing the resale value of your home, certain construction and remodeling projects offer a high return on investment (ROI). These projects not only enhance the aesthetics of your property but also provide a substantial financial benefit. Renovating outdated areas, such as bathrooms or kitchens, not only increases functionality but also brings a modern touch to the overall design.

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The Ultimate Guide to a Functional Home Office

The Ultimate Guide to a Functional Home Office

More and more people are opting for condos that offer convenience, modern amenities, and a vibrant lifestyle. With remote work and entrepreneurship, it’s crucial to create a home office space that reflects your personal style and promotes productivity. Here we will explore how to design a productive and successful home office in your condo.

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Nantucket, A Designer’s Guide

Nantucket, A Designer’s Guide

Nantucket, a picturesque island located off the coast of Massachusetts, has earned a well-deserved reputation as a popular vacation destination. Known for its charming cobblestone streets, beautiful beaches, and rich history, Nantucket offers a delightful escape from...

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2024 Interior Design Trends

2024 Interior Design Trends

As we look ahead to 2024, let's explore the new trends in interior design from furniture to color schemes. Based on my research of trending searches and design knowledge, here are the top 9 trends in interior design for 2024: Embracing the Warmth of Brown Brown...

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Moving? Let an Interior Designer help.

Moving? Let an Interior Designer help.

Rachel Blindauer interior designer can help streamline your move by optimizing the layout and placement of your furniture and décor and place it in tour space before your arrive to your new home regardless of if its a new build or new to you home.

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Playing with Scale in Interior Design

Playing with Scale in Interior Design

Scale is a fundamental principle in interior design that can greatly impact the overall aesthetic of a space. Understanding and mastering scale is essential for creating a harmonious and visually appealing environment.

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The Differentiation of Rachel Blindauer

The Differentiation of Rachel Blindauer

Rachel Blindauer works directly for her clients with assistants just helping behind the scenes. You won’t be given a junior designer that just got out of college and has no idea what they are doing at Rachel Blindauer. As they say the most expensive advice is bad advice…

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Top Hotel Interior Design Trends

Top Hotel Interior Design Trends

In the ever-evolving world of hospitality, where the pursuit of excellence is unending, the realm of interior design takes center stage. Crafting distinctive, immersive experiences for hotel guests isn’t merely a matter of aesthetics—it’s a symphony of art, functionality and hidden practicality. I invite you to explore seven groundbreaking trends that are revolutionizing the landscape of hotel interiors. These trends not only redefine how hotels operate but also create indelible, unforgettable experiences for the discerning traveler.

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Palm Beach: A Designers Guide

Palm Beach: A Designers Guide

Now that I live in Florida I’m in Palm Beach a lot. We are in love with our new home, and wanted to share some of our favorite spots and the best of Palm Beach, Florida:

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